Sunday, 6 November 2016

Residential Locksmiths in Las Vegas

Home Locksmith Services

Looking for Las Vegas residential locksmiths? Lockouts, rekeys, lock changes 24 hrs affordable prices. Want to install keyless front door locks in your house or have all the locks use the same key? If you want to change out your locks for new ones, think about what you want and do some research.

Know exactly what you want to accomplish. There are so many types of locks available for the home. We can go over various options and help you come up with a solution.

Nowadays going keyless is not as expensive as one would expect. We have all sorts of keyless options. Do you want your home more secure when you are in the home or when you are away? These are two very different things with very different solutions.
We have technicians who are welders that can help you with that stubborn gate lock that just doesn't line up correctly. We do all sorts of security latches, peep holes, storm doors and custom work.

If you want a different key to work because a change in occupancy or personal security issue, we do rekeys all day long. If we feel that the locks are not in good enough condition and you would not get your value from rekeying it, we will suggest replacing the lock.

We have a variety of locks available; if you want all of your locks to use the same key or want to implement a master key system that is easily done as well.

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